All Weapons, Save Crystals, Medipacks and Refill of Ammo: Draw Pistols, walk one step backwards, one step forward, crouch, release crouch, turn around 3 times and backflip.Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft and The Lost Artefact Exploding Lara: Walk one step forward, one step backward, turn around 3 times and jump forward or backflip.Level Skip: Light a flare, walk one step forward, one step backward, turn around 3 times and jump forward.All Weapons, Flares, Medipacks and Refill of Ammunition: Light a flare, walk one step forward, one step backward, turn around 3 times and backflip.

Level Skip: Walk one step forward, one step backward, turn around 3 times and jump forward.All Weapons and Refill of Ammo: Walk one step forward, one step backward, turn around 3 times and backflip.PC/Macintosh Tomb Raider and Unfinished Business