So once you find this number write it to use it again in the repairing procedure. To get your IMEI number you just need to type *#06# on your device’s keyboard and you will get your number on your screen. Then if you don’t know your right IMEI number you must find it out first and then activate the process. To use this service you must know the existing IMEI number on the device on which you need to complete the repairing procedure successfully. The best benefit from this software solution is that you will get it for free and you don’t need to pay anything about using this tool. If you have a good internet connection you just need to provide the real information for your device and follow the instructions below on how to repair the IMEI number. So you must use it on a device on which you can provide a good internet connection. Then to make a completely new registration. This is mostly going to be focused on the ERI it self.

If you dont have access to a windows machine, then I'm sorry but most of the avail tools that will allow you to repair IMEI is going to be Windows based and you can use a virtual machine. Our IMEI Repairing software tool is capable to remove the old IMEI number. The IMEI part is complex and I wont go into detail on that at all.